10th, With elements in the ambit of the. VOLUME 65. 7. (pg. 273)
11th, With elements in the ambit of the. VOLUME 65. 8. (pg. 313)
12 chromatic scales at octave distance between both hands; basic fingering and auxiliary fingerings, The. VOLUME 38. 3. (pg. 79)
12 heights, Whole tone scales in fifths in the. VOLUME 46.
12 heights, Whole tone scales in fourths in the. VOLUME 45.
12 heights, Whole tone scales in octaves in the. VOLUME 48.
12 heights, Whole tone scales in sixths in the. VOLUME 47.
12 heights, Whole tone scales in thirds in the. VOLUME 44.
12th, With elements in the ambit of the. VOLUME 65. 9. (pg. 347)
2nd and 4th fingers, Eight exercises to increase the distance between the. VOLUME 34. 0.2. (pg. 67)
2nd position of the arpeggios of three notes from lower to higher opening of the hand progressively, Preparatory exercises for the study of the. VOLUME 07. 1. (pgs. 9-17)
2th (double notes). VOLUME 05. 1. (pg. 11)
3th (double notes). VOLUME 05. 2. (pg. 47)
3th (two notes articulations in legato without double notes intervention) major. VOLUME 08. 1.4. (pg. 13)
3th (two notes articulations in legato without double notes intervention) minor. VOLUME 08. 1.3. (pg. 11)
3th in all the 12 heights, Whole tone scales in. VOLUME 44.
3th in the left hand. With. VOLUME 50. 2.1. (pg. 301)
3th in the left hand. With. VOLUME 50. 3.1. (pg. 589)
3th in the left hand. With. VOLUME 50. 4.1. (pg. 877)
3th in the left hand. With. VOLUME 50. 5.1. (pg. 1165)
3th in the right hand. VOLUME 50. 1. (pg. 13)
3th with the Whole tone scales, All the 132 bitonal combinations in. VOLUME 49. 1. (pg. 7)
3th without double notes, Tremolos of major. VOLUME 29. 5.1.6. (pg. 553) / 5.2.2. (pg. 560)
3th without double notes, Tremolos of minor. VOLUME 29. 5.1.7. (pg. 555) / 5.2.1. (pg. 557)
3th, All the 12 melodic minor scales in. VOLUME 60. 14. (pg. 491)
3th, All the 12 natural minor scales in. VOLUME 60. 13. (pg. 485)
3th, Natural and melodic minor scales in. VOLUME 60.
3th, Preparatory exercices for the studio of the Whole tone scales in. VOLUME 44. 0. (pp. 5-58)
3th, Tremolos of major. VOLUME 29. 1.2. (pg. 19)
3th, Tremolos of minor. VOLUME 29. 1.1. (pg. 1)
4th (articulations of two notes in legato without intervention of double notes), Perfect. 1.5. (pg. 17) VOLUME 08.
4th exercices in A major. VOLUME 35. 10. (pg. 1067)
4th exercices in Ab major. VOLUME 35. 9. (pg. 1045)
4th exercices in B major. VOLUME 35. 12. (pg. 1111)
4th exercices in Bb major. VOLUME 35. 11. (pg. 1089)
4th exercices in C major. VOLUME 35. 1. (pg. 869)
4th exercices in D major. VOLUME 35. 3. (pg. 913)
4th exercices in Db major. VOLUME 35. 2. (pg. 891)
4th exercices in E major. VOLUME 35. 5. (pg. 957)
4th exercices in Eb major. VOLUME 35. 4. (pg. 935)
4th exercices in F major. VOLUME 35. 6. (pg. 979)
4th exercices in Gb major. VOLUME 35. 7. (pg. 1001)
4th in all 12 heights, Whole tone scales in. VOLUMEN 45. 13. (pg. 299)
4th in the left hand. VOLUME 50. 1.1. (pg. 13)
4th in the left hand. VOLUME 50. 3.2. (pg. 661)
4th in the left hand. VOLUME 50. 4.2. (pg. 949)
4th in the left hand. VOLUME 50. 5.2. (pg. 1237)
4th in the right hand. VOLUME 50. 2. (pg. 301)
4th tremols, perfect. VOLUME 29. 1.3. (pg. 25)
4th with the whole tones scale, All the 132 bitonal cimbinations in. VOLUME 49. 2. (pg. 79)
4th without doubles notes, Tremolos with perfect. VOLUME 29. 5.1.5. (pg. 550)
4th without doubles notes, Tremolos with perfect. VOLUME 29. 5.2.3. (pg. 562)
4th, All 12 majors scales in. VOLUME 35. 13. (pg. 1133)
4th, All 12 melodic minors scales in. VOLUME 61. 14. (pg. 539)
4th, All 12 natural scales in. VOLUME 61. 13. (pg. 533)
4th, Major scales in. VOLUME 35.
4th, Natural and melodic minors scales in. VOLUME 61.
4th, Preparatory exercices for the study of the Whole tone scales in. 0. (pp. 5-58) VOLUME 45.
4th, two / three / four consecutive 4th preparatory chromatic exercises for the study of the major scales in. VOLUME 35. 0.2. (pg. 596)
4th, two / three / four consecutive 4th preparatory diatonic exercises for the study of the major scales in. VOLUME 35. 0.1. (pg. 20)
4th, With elements in the ambit of the. VOLUME 65. 1. (pg. 57)
5 and 6 white key hand opening: Diminished 5th / Perfect Minor / Perfect Major / Augmented 5th, Arpeggios of three notes spanning a. VOLUME 07. 2.1. (pgs. 19-31)
5th without double notes, Tremolos with perfect. VOLUME 29. 5.2.5. (pg. 567)
5th (articulations of two notes in legato without intervention of double notes), perfect. VOLUME 08. 1.7. (pg. 23)
5th (Double notes). VOLUME 05. 4. (pg. 105)
5th and “Chapter 2”: with added 6th added, New contributions to BIDIGITOLOGY Op. 36 / TRIDIGITOLOGY Op. 37 / TETRADIGITOLOGY Op. 53: “Chapter 1”: with added. VOLUME 66.
5th chords in the four species with the duplicate root to the higher octave in the three positions in all keys. VOLUME 32.
5th chords in the three positions, Thumb under in the arpeggios with the notes of the four types of. VOLUME 43.
5th chords in the three positions, Tremolos and two notes articulations in double notes with the four types of. VOLUME 39.
5th chords in the three positions; possible positions combinations with both hands, Arpeggios in double notes with the four types of. VOLUME 39.
5th chords; possible positions combinations with both hands, Arpeggios with the four types of. VOLUME 42.
5th in A flat major. VOLUME 36. 9. (pg. 197)
5th in A major. VOLUME 36. 10. (pg. 221)
5th in all the 12 heights, Whole tone scales in. VOLUME 46.
5th in B flat major. VOLUME 36. 11. (pg. 245)
5th in B major. VOLUME 36. 12. (pg. 269)
5th in C major. VOLUME 36. 1. (pg. 5)
5th in D flat major. VOLUME 36. 2. (pg. 29)
5th in D major. VOLUME 36. 3. (pg. 53)
5th in E flat major. VOLUME 36. 4. (pg. 77)
5th in E major. VOLUME 36. 5. (pg. 101)
5th in F major. VOLUME 36. 6. (pg. 125)
5th in G flat major. VOLUME 36. 7. (pg. 149)
5th in G major. VOLUME 36. 8. (pg. 173)
5th in the left hand, With. VOLUME 50. 1.2. (pg. 85)
5th in the left hand, With. VOLUME 50. 2.2. (pg. 373)
5th in the left hand, With. VOLUME 50. 4.3. (pg. 1021)
5th in the left hand, With. VOLUME 50. 5.3. (pg. 1309)
5th in the right hand. VOLUME 50. 3. (pg. 589)
5th with the whole tones scale, All the 132 bitonal combinations in. VOLUME 49. 3. (pg. 151)
5th without double notes, Tremolos with perfecte. VOLUME 29. 5.1.3. (pg. 545)
5th, Major scales in. VOLUME 36.
5th, Natural and melodic minor scales in. VOLUME 62.
5th, Preparatory exercices for the studio of the Whole tone scales in. VOLUME 46. 0. (pp. 5-58)
5th, The 12 major scales in. VOLUME 36. 13. (pg. 293)
5th, The 12 melodic minor scales in. VOLUME 62. 14. (pg. 587)
5th, The 12 natural minor scales in. VOLUME 62. 13. (pg. 581)
5th, Tremolos with perfect. VOLUME 29. 1.5. (pg. 37)
5th, With elements in the ambit of. VOLUME 65. 2. (pg. 77)
6 exercises with three held notes and a maximum opening of the hand of five white keys. VOLUME 06. 2.3. (pgs. 66-71)
6 preparatory exercices for the studio of the major keys in 6th. VOLUME 34. 0.1. (pg. 9)
64 exercises with one held note and a maximum opening of the hand of five white keys. VOLUME 06. 2.1. (pg. 17-57)
6th (double notes). VOLUME 05. 5. (pg. 131)
6th (double notes). VOLUME 34.
6th (two notes articulations in legato without intervention of double notes), major. VOLUME 08. 1.9. (pg. 29)
6th (two notes articulations in legato without intervention of double notes), minor. VOLUME 08. 1.8. (pg. 25)
6th excercices in A major. VOLUME 34. 10. (pg. 341)
6th exercices in B flat major. VOLUME 34. 11. (pg. 365)
6th exercices in B major. VOLUME 34. 12. (pg. 389)
6th exercices in D flat major. VOLUME 34. 2. (pg. 149)
6th exercices in D major. VOLUME 34. 3. (pg. 173)
6th exercices in E flat major. VOLUME 34. 4. (pg. 197)
6th exercices in E major. VOLUME 34. 5. (pg. 221)
6th exercices in G flat major. VOLUME 34. 7. (pg. 269)
6th exercices in G major. VOLUME 34. 8. (pg. 293)
6th exercices in legato, Four models of. VOLUME 34. 0.3.2. (pg. 117)
6th exercises in Ab major. VOLUME 34. 9. (pg. 317)
6th exercises in C major. VOLUME 34. 1. (pg. 125)
6th exercises in F major. VOLUME 34. 6. (pg. 245)
6th exercises in legato, Four models of. VOLUME 34. 0.3.2. (pg. 117)
6th in all the 12 heights, Whole tone scales in. VOLUME 47.
6th in double notes, Presentation of the. VOLUME 34. 0.3. (pg. 115)
6th in non legato, major and minor. VOLUME 34. 0.3.1. (pg. 115)
6th in the left hand, With. VOLUME 50. 1.3. (pg. 157)
6th in the left hand, With. VOLUME 50. 2.3. (pg. 445)
6th in the left hand, With. VOLUME 50. 3.3. (pg. 733)
6th in the left hand, With. VOLUME 50. 5.4. (pg. 1381)
6th in the right hand. VOLUME 50. 4. (pg. 877)
6th tremolos without double notes, major. VOLUME 29. 5.1.1. (pg. 541) / 5.2.7. (pg. 572)
6th tremolos without double notes, minor. VOLUME 29. 5.1.2. (pg. 543) / 5.2.6. (pg. 569)
6th tremolos, Minor. VOLUME 29. 1.6. (pg. 43)
6th tremolos. VOLUME 29. 1.7. (pg. 49)
6th with the Whole tone scales, All the 132 bitonal combinations in. VOLUME 49. 4. (pg. 223)
6th, All the 12 Major scales in. VOLUME 34. 13. (pg. 413)
6th, All the 12 melodic minor scales in. VOLUME 63. 14. (pg. 587)
6th, All the 12 natural minor scales in. VOLUME 63. 13. (pg. 581)
6th, Major scales in. VOLUME 34.
6th, Natural and melodic minor scales in. VOLUME 63.
6th, Preparatory exercices for the studio of the major scales in. VOLUME 34. 0. (pg. 9)
6th, Preparatory exercices for the studio of the Whole tone scales in. VOLUME 47. 0. (pp. 5-58)
6th, Six preparatory exercices for the studio of the major scales in. VOLUME 34. 0.1. (pg. 9)
6th, With elements in the ambit of the. VOLUME 65. 3. (pg. 101)
7 th (double notes). VOLUME 05. 6. (pg. 157)
7th (two notes articulations in legato without intervention of double notes), Minor. VOLUME 08. 1.10. (pg. 31)
7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Ebb-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.1.5.-1.1.9. (pp. 47-66)
7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Ebb-F to open the distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.1.1.-1.1.4. (pp. 19-45)
7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Ebb-F, Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.1.20.-1.1.23. (pp. 107-126)
7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Ebb-F, Exercises alternating double and triple notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.1.10.-1.1.19. (pp. 67-106)
7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Eb-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.2.5.-1.2.9- (pp. 155-174)
7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Eb-F to open the distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.2.1.-1.2.4- (pp. 127-153)
7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Eb-F, Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.2.20.-1.2.23- (pp.215-234)
7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-E-F, Exercises alternating double and triple notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.2.10.-1.2.19- (pp. 175-214)
7th chord: F-Ab-C-Eb-F to open the distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.3.1.-1.3.4. (pp. 235-261)
7th chord: F-Ab-C-Eb-F, Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.3.20.-1.3.23. (pp. 323-342)
7th chord: F-Ab-C-Eb-F, Exercises alternating double and triple notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.3.10.-1.3.19. (pp. 283-322)
7th chord: F-Ab-C-E-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.4.5.-1.4.9. (pp. 371-390)
7th chord: F-Ab-C-E-F to open the distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.4.1.-1.4.4. (pp. 343-369)
7th chord: F-Ab-C-E-F, Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.4.20.-1.4.23. (pp. 431-450)
7th chord: F-Ab-C-E-F, Exercises alternating double and triple notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.4.10.-1.4.19. (pp. 391-430)
7th chord: F-A-C#-E-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.7.5.-1.7.9. (pp. 695-714)
7th chord: F-A-C#-E-F to open the distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.7.1.-1.7.4. (pp. 667-693)
7th chord: F-A-C#-E-F, Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.7.20.-1.7.23. (pp. 755-774)
7th chord: F-A-C#-E-F, Exercises alternating double and triple notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.7.10.-1.7.19. (pp. 715-754)
7th chord: F-A-C-Eb-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.5.5.-1.5.9. (pp. 479-498)
7th chord: F-A-C-Eb-F to open the distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.5.1.-1.5.4. (pp. 451-477)
7th chord: F-A-C-Eb-F, Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.5.20.-1.5.23. (pp. 539-558)
7th chord: F-A-C-Eb-F, Exercises alternating double and triple notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.5.10.-1.5.19. (pp. 499-538)
7th chord: F-A-C-E-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.6.5.-1.6.9. (pp. 587-606)
7th chord: F-A-C-E-F to open the distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.6.1.-1.6.4. (pp. 559-585)
7th chord: F-A-C-E-F, Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.6.20.-1.6.23. (pp. 647-666)
7th chord: F-A-C-E-F, Exercises alternating double and triple notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33. 1.6.10.-1.6.19. (pp. 607-646)
7th chords for the independence of the fingers, Exercices alterning one single note and one chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 33.
7th chords in root position to two octaves of extension in all keys, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 33.
7th chords, Arpeggios in double notes with the. VOLUME 33.
7th chords, Exercices alterning double and triple notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 33.
7th tremolos, major. VOLUME 29. 1.9. (pg. 61)
7th tremolos, minor. VOLUME 29. 1.8. (pg. 55)
7th, VOLUME 65. 1. (Appendices) (pg. 353)
7th, With elements in the ambit of. VOLUME 65. 4. (pg. 137)
8 exercises to increase the distance between the fingers 2 and 4. VOLUME 34. 0.2. (pg. 67)
8 exercises with two held notes and a maximum opening of the hand of five white keys. VOLUME 06. 2.2. (pp. 58-65)
9th chords to open the distances between the fingers without double notes, Tremolos with the notes of the. VOLUME 29. 6. (pg. 575)
9th chords to open the distances between the fingers without double notes, Tremolos with the notes of the. VOLUME 29. 7. (pg. 671)
9th chords to open the distances between the fingers, Tremolos without double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 29. 6. (pg. 575)
9th chords to open the distances between the fingers, Tremolos without double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 29. 7. (pg. 671)
9th, With elements in the ambit of. VOLUME 65. 2. (APPENDIX) (pg. 359)
9th, With elements in the ambit of. VOLUME 65. 6. (pg. 227)
A fingering proposal for melodic minor scales for his practical study. VOLUME 59. 8. (pg. 466)
A fingering proposal for the major scales for his practical study. VOLUME 59. 7. (pg. 460)
A flat in the right hand 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 2.3.9. (pg. 493)
A flat in the right hand combined with the other eleven keys in the left hand. VOLUME 51. 2.9. (pg. 59)
A flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 1.1.9. (pg. 61)
A flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 1.2.9. (pg. 133)
A flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 1.3.9. (pg. 205)
A flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 1.4.9. (pg. 277)
A flat in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 2.1.9. (pg. 349)
A flat in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 2.2.9. (pg. 421)
A flat in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 2.4.9. (pg. 565)
A flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 3.1.9. (pg. 637)
A flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 3.2.9. (pg. 709)
A flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 3.3.9. (pg. 781)
A flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 3.4.9. (pg. 853)
A flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 4.1.9. (pg. 925)
A flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 4.2.9. (pg. 997)
A flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 4.3.9. (pg. 1069)
A flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 4.4.9. (pg. 1141)
A flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 5.1.9. (pg. 1213)
A flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 5.2.9. (pg. 1285)
A flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 5.3.9. (pg. 1357)
A flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 5.4.9. (pg. 1429)
A flat major, 5th in. VOLUME 36. 9. (pg. 197)
A in the right hand combined with the other 11 keys in the left hand VOLUME 51. 2.10. (pg. 65)
A in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 1.1.10. (pg. 67)
A in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 1.2.10. (pg. 139)
A in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 1.3.10. (pg. 211)
A in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 1.4.10. (pg. 283)
A in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 2.1.10. (pg. 355)
A in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 2.2.10. (pg. 427)
A in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 2.3.10. (pg. 499)
A in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 2.4.10. (pg. 571)
A in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 3.1.10. (pg. 643)
A in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 3.2.10. (pg. 715)
A in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 3.3.10. (pg. 787)
A in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 3.4.10. (pg. 859)
A in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 4.1.10. (pg. 931)
A in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 4.2.10. (pg. 1003)
A in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 4.3.10. (pg. 1075)
A in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 4.4.10. (pg. 1147)
A in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 5.1.10. (pg. 1219)
A in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 5.2.10. (pg. 1291)
A in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 5.3.10. (pg. 1363)
A in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 5.4.10. (pg. 1435)
A major, 5th in. VOLUME 36. 10. (pg. 221)
AcordologĂa (chords). VOLUME 31.
AcordologĂa (chords). VOLUME 32.
AcordologĂa (chords). VOLUME 33.
added 6th, New contributions to Bidigitology Op. 36 / Tridigitology Op. 37 / Tetradigitology Op. 53: "Chapter 1": With added 5th and "Chapter 2": with. VOLUME 66.
added fifth, Chromatic Bidigitology with sustained. Chapter VOLUME 67
added fifth, Chromatic Tridigitology with sustained. Chapter VOLUME 67
added fourth, Chromatic Bidigitology with sustained. Chapter VOLUME 67
added fourth, Chromatic tetradigitology with sustained. Chapter VOLUME 67
added fourth, Chromatic Tridigitology with sustained. Chapter VOLUME 67
added notes, Chromatic Bidigitology with. Chapter VOLUME 67
added notes, Chromatic Bidigitology without. Chapter VOLUME 67
added notes, Chromatic Tetradigitology with. Chapter VOLUME 67
added notes, Chromatic Tetradigitology without. Chapter VOLUME 67
added notes, Chromatic Tridigitology with. Chapter VOLUME 67
added notes, Chromatic Tridigitology without. Chapter VOLUME 67
added seventh, Chromatic Bidigitology with sustained. Chapter VOLUME 67
added sixth, Chromatic Bidigitology with sustained. Chapter VOLUME 67
added third, Chromatic Bidigitology with sustained. Chapter VOLUME 67
added third, Chromatic Tridigitology with sustained. Chapter VOLUME 67
adequate fingerings for the study of the mordents, Prior and progressive training in the. VOLUME 10.
All 132 bitonal combinations between both hands with the whole tones scale. VOLUME 51.
All 132 bitonal combinations between both hands with the whole tones scale. VOLUME 51. 2. (pg. 11)
All 132 bitonal combinations in 3th with the whole tones scale. VOLUME 49. 1. (pg. 7)
All 132 bitonal combinations in 4th with the whole tones scale. VOLUME 49. 2. (pg. 79)
All 132 bitonal combinations in 5th with the whole tones scale. VOLUME 49. 3. (pg. 151)
All 132 bitonal combinations in 6th with the whole tones scale. VOLUME 49. 4. (pg. 223)
All 132 bitonal combinations in octaves with the whole tones scale. VOLUME 49. 5. (pg. 295)
All possible key combinations for trills with and without resolution. VOLUME 12.
ambit of the 10th, With elements in the. VOLUME 65. 7. (pg. 273)
ambit of the 11th, With elements in the. VOLUME 65. 8. (pg. 313)
ambit of the 12th, With elements in the. VOLUME 65. 9. (pg. 347)
ambit of the 4th, With elements in the. VOLUME 65. 1. (pg. 57)
ambit of the 5th, With elements in the. VOLUME 65. 2. (pg. 77)
ambit of the 6th, With elements in the. VOLUME 65. 3. (pg. 101)
ambit of the 7th, With elements in the. VOLUME 65. 1. (APPENDIX) (pg. 353)
ambit of the 7th, With elements in the. VOLUME 65. 4. (pg. 137)
ambit of the 9th, With elements in the. VOLUME 65. 2. (APPENDIX) (pg. 359)
ambit of the 9th, With elements in the. VOLUME 65. 6. (pg. 227)
ambit of the major 6th, chords in the. VOLUME 31. 3. (pg. 305)
ambit of the major 6th, Three notes chords in the. VOLUME 31. 3. (pg. 305)
ambit of the major 7th, Chords in the. VOLUME 31. 5. (pg. 695)
ambit of the minor 6th or augmentes 5th, Chords in the. VOLUME 31. 2. (pg. 155)
ambit of the minor 6th or augmentes 5th, Three notes chords in the. VOLUME 31. 2. (pg. 155)
ambit of the minor 7th, Chords in the. VOLUME 31. 4. (pg. 485)
ambit of the minor 7th, Three notes chords in the. VOLUME 31. 4. (pg. 485)
ambit of the octave, Three notes chords in the. VOLUME 31. 6. (pg. 935)
ambit of the octave, With elements in the. VOLUME 65. 5. (pg. 179)
ambit of the perfect 5th, chord with three notes in the. VOLUME 31. 1. (pg. 35)
ambit of the perfect octave, Chords in the. VOLUME 31. 6. (pg. 935)
Appendix: arpeggios (in octaves) with chords built with intervals of the same type (from minor thirds to perfect octaves). VOLUME 55. 9. (pg. 157)
arm in the arpeggios, Exercices for the lateral displacement of the forearm and. VOLUME 14.
arm in the arpeggios, Lateral displacement of the forearm and. VOLUME 65.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 02.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 07.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 09.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 11.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 13.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 17.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 20.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 21.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 22.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 23.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 24.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 26.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 27.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 39.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 40.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 41.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 42.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 43.
ArpeggiologĂa (Arpeggios). VOLUME 65.
Arpeggios (in octaves) with constructed chords by superimposed fifths. VOLUME 55. 5. (pg. 89)
Arpeggios (in octaves) with constructed chords by superimposed fourths. VOLUME 55. 4. (pg. 71)
Arpeggios (in octaves) with constructed chords by superimposed octaves. VOLUME 55. 8. (pg. 155)
Arpeggios (in octaves) with constructed chords by superimposed seconds. VOLUME 55. 2. (pg. 23)
Arpeggios (in octaves) with constructed chords by superimposed sevenths. VOLUME 55. 7. (pg. 131)
Arpeggios (in octaves) with constructed chords by superimposed sixths. VOLUME 55. 6. (pg. 107)
Arpeggios (in octaves) with constructed chords by superimposed thirds. VOLUME 55. 3. (pg. 47)
Arpeggios in double notes with the four types of triads in the three positions; Possible combinations of positions with both hands. VOLUME 39.
Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Ebb-F. VOLUME 33. 1.1.20.-1.1.23. (pp. 107-126)
Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Eb-F. VOLUME 33. 1.2.20.-1.2.23- (pp.215-234)
Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-C-Eb-F. VOLUME 33. 1.3.20.-1.3.23. (pp. 323-342)
Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-C-E-F. VOLUME 33. 1.4.20.-1.4.23. (pp. 431-450)
Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C-Eb-F. VOLUME 33. 1.5.20.-1.5.23. (pp. 539-558)
Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C-E-F. VOLUME 33. 1.6.20.-1.6.23. (pp. 647-666)
Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C#-E-F. VOLUME 33. 1.7.20.-1.7.23. (pp. 755-774)
Arpeggios in double notes with the notes of the 7th chords. VOLUME 33.
Arpeggios in octaves (with constructed chords by superimposed seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, sevenths and octaves). VOLUME 55.
arpeggios of the major tones (C, Db, D, Gb, Bb and B) in the three positions, The passin of the Thumb under exercises in the. VOLUME 11.
Arpeggios of three notes ordered from least to greater opening of the hand from 5 to 8 white keys and whose second note always corresponds to a black key executed with one of the three long fingers of the hand (2-3-4). VOLUME 09.
Arpeggios of three notes that cover an opening of the hand of 5 and 6 white keys: diminished, minor, major and augmented. VOLUME 07. 2.1. (pp. 19-31)
Arpeggios on six modules of three notes. VOLUME 21.
Arpeggios on twenty four modules of four notes in B flat major. VOLUME 26.
Arpeggios on twenty four modules of four notes in B major. VOLUME 27.
Arpeggios on twenty four modules of four notes in C major. VOLUME 22.
Arpeggios on twenty four modules of four notes in D flat major. VOLUME 23.
Arpeggios on twenty four modules of four notes in D major. VOLUME 24.
Arpeggios on two modules of two notes. VOLUME 17.
arpeggios that are executed successively with the same fingering in areas of the keyboard with the same topography and produce in the hand the same sensation of opening between its fingers, Sum of. VOLUME 09.
arpeggios that are executed successively with the same fingering in areas of the keyboard with the same topography and produce in the hand the same sensation of opening between its fingers, Sum of. VOLUME 07. 2.2. (pp. 32-44)
Arpeggios with chords (minor triad). VOLUME 32. 2.2.2. (pg. 721)
Arpeggios with chords (augmented triad). VOLUME 32. 2.4.2. (pg. 765)
Arpeggios with chords (diminished triad). VOLUME 32. 2.1.2. (pg. 699)
Arpeggios with chords (major triad). VOLUME 32. 2.3.2. (pg. 743)
Arpeggios with the four types of 5th chords; possible combinations of positions with both hands. VOLUME 42.
Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Ebb-F to open the distances between the fingers. VOLUME 33. 1.1.1.-1.1.4. (pp. 19-45)
Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Eb-F to open the distances between the fingers. VOLUME 33. 1.2.1.-1.2.4- (pp. 127-153)
Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-C-Eb-F to open the distances between the fingers. VOLUME 33. 1.3.1.-1.3.4. (pp. 235-261)
Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-C-E-F to open the distances between the fingers. VOLUME 33. 1.4.1.-1.4.4. (pp. 343-369)
Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C-Eb-F to open the distances between the fingers. VOLUME 33. 1.5.1.-1.5.4. (pp. 451-477)
Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C-E-F to open the distances between the fingers. VOLUME 33. 1.6.1.-1.6.4. (pp. 559-585)
Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A--E-F to open the distances between the fingers. VOLUME 33. 1.7.1.-1.7.4. (pp. 667-693)
Arpeggios with the notes of the augmented triad in the three positions. VOLUME 40.
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-A-.VOLUME 31. 2.3.1.-2.3.4. (pp. 215-230)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Ab-C. VOLUME 31. 1.2.1.-1.2.4. (pp. 65-80)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Ab-Cb-F. VOLUME 32. 1.1.1.-1.1.4. (pp. 20-46)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Ab-C-F. VOLUME 32. 1.2.1.-1.2.4. (pp. 76-102)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Ab-D. VOLUME 31. 3.2.1.-3.2.4. (pp. 335-350)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Ab-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.2.1.-2.2.4. (pp. 185-200)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Ab-Db-F. VOLUME 32. 1.3.1.-1.3.4. (pp. 132-158)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Ab-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.4.1-1.4.4. (pp. 188-214)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Ab-E. VOLUME 31. 5.2.1.-5.2.4. (pp. 725-740)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Ab-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.2.1.-4.2.4. (pp. 515-530)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Ab-F. VOLUME 31. 6.2.1.-6.2.4. (pp. 965-980)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-A-C. VOLUME 31. 1.3.1.-1.3.4. (pg. 95-110)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-A-C-F. VOLUME 32. 1.5.1.-1.5.4. (pp. 244-270)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-A-D. VOLUME 31. 3.3.1.-3.3.4. (pp. 365-380)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-A-Db-F. VOLUME 32. 1.7.1.-1.7.4. (pp. 356-382)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-A-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.8.1.-1.8.4. (pp. 412-438)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-A-E. VOLUME 31. 5.3.1.-5.3.4. (pp. 755-770)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-A-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.3.1.-4.3.4. (pp. 545-560)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-A-F. VOLUME 31. 6.3.1.-6.3.4. (pp. 995-1010)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-A--F. VOLUME 32. 1.6.1.-1.6.4. (pp. 300-326)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Bb-C. VOLUME 31. 1.4.1.-1.4.4. (pp. 125-140)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Bb-D. VOLUME 31. 3.4.1.-3.4.4. (pp. 395-410)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Bb-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.4.1.-2.4.4. (pp. 245-260)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Bb-Db-F. VOLUME 32. 1.10.1.-1.10.4. (pp. 524-550)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Bb-Db-F. VOLUME 32. 1.9.1.-1.9.4. (pp. 468-494)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Bb-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.11.1.-1.11.4. (pp. 580-606)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Bb-E. VOLUME 31. 5.4.1.-5.4.4. (pp. 785-800)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Bb-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.4.1.-4.4.4. (pp. 575-590)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Bb-F. VOLUME 31. 6.4.1.-6.4.4. (pp. 1025-1040)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-B-D. VOLUME 31. 3.5.1.-3.5.4. (pp. 425-440)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-B-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.12.1.-1.12.4. (pp. 636-662)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-B-E. VOLUME 31. 5.5.1.-5.5.4. (pp. 815-830)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-B-F. VOLUME 31. 6.5.1.-6.5.4. (pp. 1055-1070)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Cb-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.5.1.-2.5.4. (pp. 275-290)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Cb-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.5.1.-4.5.4. (pp. 605-620)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-C-D. VOLUME 31. 3.6.1.-3.6.4. (pp. 455-470)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-C-E. VOLUME 31. 5.6.1.-5.6.4. (pp. 845-860)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-C-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.6.1.-4.6.4. (pp. 635-650)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-C-F. VOLUME 31. (pp. 6.6.1.-6.6.4. 1085-1100)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Db-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.7.1.-4.7.4. (pp. 665-680)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Db-F. VOLUME 31. 6.7.1.-6.7.4. (pp. 1115-1130)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-D-E. VOLUME 31. 5.8.1.-5.8.4. (pp. 905-920)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-D-F. VOLUME 31. 6.8.1.-6.8.4. (pp. 1145-1160)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F--E. VOLUME 31. 5.7.1.-5.7.4. (pp. 875-890)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-Eb-F. VOLUME 31. 6.9.1.-6.9.4. (pp. 1175-1190)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-G-C. VOLUME 31. 1.1.1.-1.1.4. (pp. 35-50)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-G-D. VOLUME 31. 3.1.1.-3.1.4. (pp. 305-320)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-G-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.1.1.-2.1.4. (pp. 155-170)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-G-E. VOLUME 31. 5.1.1.-5.1.4. (pp. 695-710)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-G-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.1.1.-4.1.4. (pp. 485-500)
Arpeggios with the notes of the chord: F-G-F. VOLUME 31. 6.1.1.-6.1.4. (pp. 935-950)
Arpeggios with the notes of the diminished triad in the three positions. VOLUME 41.
arpeggios with the notes of the four species of 5th chords in the three positions, Thumb under in the. VOLUME 43.
Arpeggios with the notes of the four types of triads with the duplicate root to the superior octave in the three states in all keys. VOLUME 32.
Arpeggios with the notes of the seventh chords in root position to two octaves of extension in all keys. VOLUME 33.
arpeggios, Exercises for the lateral displacement of the forearm in the. VOLUME 02. XI. ANNEX 1. (pp. 324-344)
arpeggios, Exercises of thumb under in the. VOLUME 02. XI. (pg. 324)
arpeggios, Lateral displacement of the forearm and arm in the. VOLUME 65.
arpeggios, Previous exercises for the lateral displacement of the forearm in the. VOLUME 09.
arpeggios, Previous exercises for the lateral displacement of the forearm in the. VOLUME 07. 2.2. (pp. 32-44)
arpeggios, Previous exercises for the lateral displacement of the forearm in the. VOLUME 02. ANNEX 1. (pp. 285-323) ; ANNEX 2. (pp. 345) ; ANNEX 3. (pp. 350) .
arpeggios, Prior stimulation of the fingers involved in the thumb under in the. VOLUME 09.
arpeggios, Prior stimulation of the fingers involved in thumb under in the. VOLUME 07. 2.2. (pp. 32-44)
arpeggios, prior stimulation of the fingers involved in thumb under in the. VOLUME 02. ANNEX 1. (pg. 285-323)
Arpeggios, Table of. VOLUME 02. (pg. 7).
arpeggios, Thumb under in the. VOLUME 17.
arpeggios, Thumb under in the. VOLUME 21.
arpeggios, Thumb under in the. VOLUME 22.
arpeggios, Thumb under in the. VOLUME 23.
arpeggios, Thumb under in the. VOLUME 24.
arpeggios, Thumb under in the. VOLUME 26.
arpeggios, Thumb under in the. VOLUME 27.
arpeggios, Translation of the arm in the. VOLUME 02. Annexes (pp. 285-351)
arpeggios, Translation of the arm in the. VOLUME 65.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 02.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 07.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 11.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 13.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 17.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 20.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 21.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 22.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 23.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 23.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 24.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 26.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 27.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 39.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 40.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 41.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 42.
Arpeggios. VOLUME 43.
ArticulaciologĂa (Articulations). VOLUME 08.
articulations of two notes in double notes with the four types of triads in the three positions, Tremolos and. VOLUME 39.
Articulations of two notes in legato with intervention of double notes. VOLUME 08. 2. (pg. 33)
Articulations of two notes in legato: the flexibility/adjustable speed in the movements of the wrist and its participation in the legato and the phrasing. VOLUME 08.
augmented 4th and major 7th chord. VOLUME 02. G. (pg. 245)
augmented fourths (articulations of two notes in legato without the intervention of double notes). VOLUME 08. 1.6. (pg. 19)
augmented fourths without double notes, Tremolos with. VOLUME 29. 5.1.4. (pg. 548) / 5.2.4. (pg. 524)
Augmented fourths (double chromatic notes). Chapter 6. VOLUME 67
augmented fourths, Tremolos of. VOLUME 29. (pg. 31)
augmented triad in all three positions, Arpeggios of. VOLUME 40.
augmented triad, Arpeggios of three notes spanning a hand opening of 5 and 6 white keys: diminished triad / minor triad / major triad /, VOLUME 07. 2.1. (pp. 19-31)
Augmented triads. VOLUME 32. 2.4. (pg. 759)
auxiliary fingerings, Chromatic scales from 2 to 13 notes in symmetrical movement; basic fingering and. VOLUME 38. 1. (pg. 5)
auxiliary firing, the 12 chromatic scales at an eighth distance between both hands; basic fingering and. VOLUME 38. 3. (pg. 79)
B flat in the right hand combined with the 11 keys in the left hand. VOLUME 51. 2.11. (pg. 71)
B flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 1.1.11. (pg. 73)
B flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 1.2.11. (pg. 145)
B flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 1.3.11. (pg. 217)
B flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 1.4.11. (pg. 289)
B flat in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 2.1.11. (pg. 361)
B flat in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 2.2.11. (pg. 433)
B flat in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 2.3.11. (pg. 505)
B flat in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 2.4.11. (pg. 577)
B flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 3.1.11. (pg. 649)
B flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 3.2.11. (pg. 721)
B flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 3.3.11. (pg. 793)
B flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 3.4.11. (pg. 865)
B flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 4.1.11. (pg. 937)
B flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 4.2.11. (pg. 1009)
B flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 4.3.11. (pg. 1081)
B flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 4.4.11. (pg. 1153)
B flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 5.1.11. (pg. 1225)
B flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 5.2.11. (pg. 1297)
B flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 5.3.11. (pg. 1369)
B flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 5.4.11. (pg. 1441)
B flat major, 5th en. VOLUME 36. 11. (pg. 245)
B in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 5.1.12. (pg. 1231)
B in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 5.2.12. (pg. 1303)
B in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 5.3.12. (pg. 1375)
B in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 5.4.12. (pg. 1447)
B major, 5th en. VOLUME 36. 12. (pg. 269)
Basic constituent melodic intervals (in octaves). VOLUME 55. 1. (pg. 11)
basic exercices, Four. VOLUME 65. (pg. 55)
basic fingering and auxiliary fingerings, Chromatic scales from 2 to 13 notes in symmetrical movement;. VOLUME 38. 1. (pg. 5)
basic fingering and auxiliary fingerings, The 12 chromatic scales at one octave distance between both hands;. VOLUME 38. 3. (pg. 79)
basic, 4 exercises. VOLUME 65. (pg. 55)
BidigitologĂa (Two fingers). VOLUME 03.
BIDIGITOLOGĂŤA Op. 36 / TRIDIGITOLOGĂŤA Op. 37 / TETRADIGITOLOGĂŤA Op. 53: “Chapter 1” : With added 5th and “Chapter 2”: with added 6th, new contributions to the. VOLUME 66.
Bidigitology with added notes, Chromatic. Chapter VOLUME 67
Bidigitology with sustained added fifth, Chromatic. Chapter VOLUME 67
Bidigitology with sustained added fourth, Chromatic. Chapter VOLUME 67
Bidigitology with sustained added seventh, Chromatic. Chapter VOLUME 67
Bidigitology with sustained added sixth, Chromatic. Chapter VOLUME 67
Bidigitology with sustained added third, Chromatic. Chapter VOLUME 67
Bidigitology without added notes, Chromatic. Chapter VOLUME 67
Bidigitology, Chromatic. Chapter 14.1.2. VOLUME 67
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 05.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 30.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 34.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 35.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 36.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 44.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 45.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 46.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 47.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 48.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 54.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 60.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 61.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 62.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 63.
BipuntologĂa (double notes). VOLUME 64.
bitonal combinations between both hands in double notes of different type, with the whole tone scale. VOLUME 50.
bitonal combinations between both hands in double notes of different types with the whole tones scale. VOLUME 50.
bitonal combinations between both hands in double notes of the same harmonic interval, with the whole tone scale. VOLUME 49.
bitonal combinations between both hands in double notes of the same type with the whole tones scale. VOLUME 49.
bitonal combinations in 3th with the whole tone scale, All 132. VOLUME 49. 1. (pg. 7)
bitonal combinations in 4th with the whole tone scale, All 132. VOLUME 49. 2. (pg. 79)
bitonal combinations in 5th with the whole tone scale, All 132. VOLUME 49. 3. (pg. 151)
bitonal combinations in 6th with the whole tones scale, All 132. VOLUME 49. 4. (pg. 223)
bitonal combinations in octaves with the whole tones scale, All 132. VOLUME 49. 5. (pg. 295)
bitonal possible combinations between both hands with the major scales. VOLUME 56.
bitonal possible combinations between both hands with the melodic minor scales. VOLUME 58.
BitritetradigitologĂa (2-3-4 fingers). VOLUME 66.
C flat in the right hand combined with the other eleven keys in the left hand. VOLUME 51. 2.12. (pg. 77)
C flat in the right hand in fifths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in thirds. VOLUME 50. 3.1.12. (pg. 655)
C flat in the right hand in fifths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fourths. VOLUME 50. 3.2.12. (pg. 727)
C flat in the right hand in fifths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in sixths. VOLUME 50. 3.3.12. (pg. 799)
C flat in the right hand in fifths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 3.4.12. (pg. 871)
C flat in the right hand in fourths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in thirds. VOLUME 50. 2.1.12. (pg. 367)
C flat in the right hand in fourths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fifths. VOLUME 50. 2.2.12. (pg. 439)
C flat in the right hand in fourths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in sixths. VOLUME 50. 2.3.12. (pg. 511)
C flat in the right hand in fourths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 2.4.12. (pg. 583)
C flat in the right hand in sixths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in thirds. VOLUME 50. 4.1.12. (pg. 943)
C flat in the right hand in sixths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fourths. VOLUME 50. 4.2.12. (pg. 1015)
C flat in the right hand in sixths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fifths. VOLUME 50. 4.3.12. (pg. 1087)
C flat in the right hand in sixths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 4.4.12. (pg. 1159)
C flat in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fourths. VOLUME 50. 1.1.12. (pg. 79)
C flat in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fifths. VOLUME 50. 1.2.12. (pg. 151)
C flat in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in sixths. VOLUME 50. 1.3.12. (pg. 223)
C flat in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 1.4.12. (pg. 295)
C in the right hand combined with the other eleven keys in the left hand. VOLUME 51. 2.1. (pg. 11)
C in the right hand in 4th combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 2.3.1. (pg. 445)
C in the right hand in 4th combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 2.4.1. (pg. 517)
C in the right hand in 5th combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 3.1.1. (pg. 589)
C in the right hand in 5th combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 3.2.1. (pg. 661)
C in the right hand in 5th combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 3.3.1. (pg. 733)
C in the right hand in 5th combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 3.4.1. (pg. 805)
C in the right hand in 6th combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 4.1.1. (pg. 877)
C in the right hand in 6th combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 4.2.1. (pg. 949)
C in the right hand in 6th combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 4.3.1. (pg. 1021)
C in the right hand in fourths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in thirds. VOLUME 50. 2.1.1. (pg. 301)
C in the right hand in fourths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fifths. VOLUME 50. 2.2.1. (pg. 373)
C in the right hand in octaves combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 5.1.1. (pg. 1165)
C in the right hand in octaves combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 5.2.1. (pg. 1237)
C in the right hand in octaves combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 5.3.1. (pg. 1309)
C in the right hand in octaves combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 5.4.1. (pg. 1381)
C in the right hand in sixths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 4.4.1. (pg. 1093)
C in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fourths. VOLUME 50. 1.1.1. (pg. 13)
C in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fifths. VOLUME 50. 1.2.1. (pg. 85)
C in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in sixths. VOLUME 50. 1.3.1. (pg. 157)
C in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 1.4.1. (pg. 229)
C Major, Fifths in. VOLUME 36. 1. (pg. 5)
chord : F-Ab-C-Eb-F. VOLUME 33. 1.3. (pg. 235)
chord : F-Ab-C-Eb-F. VOLUME 33. 2.3. (pg. 781)
chord : F-Ab-C-E-F. VOLUME 33. 1.4. (pg. 343)
chord : F-Ab-C-E-F. VOLUME 33. 2.4. (pg. 784)
chord : F-Ab-D for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.2.5.-3.2.7. (pp. 351-362)
chord : F-Ab-D, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.2.1.-3.2.4. (pp. 335-350)
chord : F-Ab-D. VOLUME 31. 3.2. (pg. 335)
chord : F-Ab-D. VOLUME 31. 3.2.8. (pg. 363)
chord : F-Ab-Db for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 2.2.5.-2.2.7. (pp. 201-212)
chord : F-Ab-Db, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 2.2.1.-2.2.4. (pp. 185-200)
chord : F-Ab-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.2. (pg. 185)
chord : F-Ab-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.2.8. (pg. 213)
chord : F-Ab-Db-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.3.8.-1.3.11. (pp. 172-187)
chord : F-Ab-Db-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.3.1.-1.3.4. (pp. 132-158)
chord : F-Ab-Db-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.3.5.-1.3.7. (pp. 160-171)
chord : F-Ab-Db-F. VOLUME 32. 1.3. (pg. 132)
chord : F-Ab-D-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.4.8-1.4.11. (pp. 228-243)
chord : F-Ab-D-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.4.1-1.4.4. (pp. 188-214)
chord : F-Ab-D-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.4.5-1.4.7. (pp. 216-227)
chord : F-Ab-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.4. (pg. 188)
chord : F-Ab-E for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.2.5.-5.2.7. (pp. 741-752)
chord : F-Ab-E, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.2.1.-5.2.4. (pp. 725-740)
chord : F-Ab-E. VOLUME 31. 5.2. (pg. 725)
chord : F-Ab-E. VOLUME 31. 5.2.8. (pg. 753)
chord : F-Ab-Eb for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.2.5.-4.2.7. (pp. 531-542)
chord : F-Ab-Eb, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.2.1.-4.2.4. (pp. 515-530)
chord: F-A- for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 2.3.5.-2.3.7. (pp. 231-242)
chord: F-A-, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 2.3.1.-2.3.4. (pp. 215-230)
chord: F-A-. VOLUME 31. 2.3. (pg. 215)
chord: F-A-. VOLUME 31. 2.3.8. (pg. 243)
chord: F-Ab-C, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 1.2.1.-1.2.4. (pp. 65-80)
chord: F-Ab-C. VOLUME 31. 1.2. (pg. 65)
chord: F-Ab-C. VOLUME 31. 1.2.8. (pg. 93)
chord: F-Ab-Cb-Ebb-F. VOLUME 33. 1.1. (pg. 19)
chord: F-Ab-Cb-Ebb-F. VOLUME 33. 2.1. (pg. 775)
chord: F-Ab-Cb-Eb-F. VOLUME 33. 1.2. (pg. 127)
chord: F-Ab-Cb-Eb-F. VOLUME 33. 2.2. (pg. 778)
chord: F-Ab-Cb-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.1.8.-1.1.11. (pp. 60-75)
chord: F-Ab-Cb-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.1.1.-1.1.4. (pp. 20-46)
chord: F-Ab-Cb-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.1.5.-1.1.7. (pp. 48-59)
chord: F-Ab-Cb-F. VOLUME 32. 1.1. (pg. 20)
chord: F-Ab-C-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.2.8.-1.2.11. (pp. 164-131)
chord: F-Ab-C-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.2.1.-1.2.4. (pp. 76-102)
chord: F-Ab-C-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.2.5.-1.2.7. (pp. 104-115)
chord: F-Ab-C-F. VOLUME 32. 1.2. (pg. 76)
chord: F-Ab-D for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 1.2.5.-1.2.7. (pp. 81-92)
chord: F-Ab-Eb for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.5.5.-4.5.7. (pp. 621-632)
chord: F-Ab-Eb, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.5.1.-4.5.4. (pp. 605-620)
chord: F-Ab-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.2. (pg. 515)
chord: F-Ab-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.2.8. (pg. 543)
chord: F-Ab-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.2.5.-6.2.7. (pp. 981-992)
chord: F-Ab-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.2.1.-6.2.4. (pp. 965-980)
chord: F-Ab-F. VOLUME 31. 6.2. (pg. 965)
chord: F-Ab-F. VOLUME 31. 6.2.8. (pg. 993)
chord: F-A-C for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 1.3.5.-1.3.7. (pp. 111-122)
chord: F-A-C#-E-F. VOLUME 33. 1.7. (pg. 667)
chord: F-A-C#-E-F. VOLUME 33. 2.7. (pg. 793)
chord: F-A-C#-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.6.8.-1.6.11. (pp. 340-355)
chord: F-A-C#-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.6.1.-1.6.4. (pp. 300-326)
chord: F-A-C#-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.6.5.-1.6.7. (pp. 328-339)
chord: F-A-C#-F. VOLUME 32. 1.6. (pg. 300)
chord: F-A-C, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 1.3.1.-1.3.4. (pp. 95-110)
chord: F-A-C. VOLUME 31. 1.3. (pg. 95)
chord: F-A-C. VOLUME 31. 1.3.8. (pg. 123)
chord: F-A-C-Eb-F. VOLUME 33. 1.5. (pg. 451)
chord: F-A-C-Eb-F. VOLUME 33. 2.5. (pg. 787)
chord: F-A-C-E-F. VOLUME 33. 1.6. (pg. 559)
chord: F-A-C-E-F. VOLUME 33. 2.6. (pg. 790)
chord: F-A-C-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.5.8.-1.5.11. (pp. 284-299)
chord: F-A-C-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.3.1.-6.3.4. (pg. 995-1010)
chord: F-A-C-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.5.1.-1.5.4. (pp. 244-270)
chord: F-A-C-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.5.5.-1.5.7. (pg. 272-283)
chord: F-A-C-F. VOLUME 32. 1.5. (pg. 244)
chord: F-A-D for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.3.5.-3.3.7. (pp. 382-392)
chord: F-A-D, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.3.1.-3.3.4. (pp. 365-380)
chord: F-A-D. VOLUME 31. 3.3. (pg. 365)
chord: F-A-D. VOLUME 31. 3.3.8. (pg. 393)
chord: F-A-Db-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.7.8.-1.7.11. (pp. 396-411)
chord: F-A-Db-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.7.1.-1.7.4. (pp. 356-382)
chord: F-A-Db-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.7.5.-1.7.7. (pp. 384-395)
chord: F-A-Db-F, VOLUME 32. 1.7. (pg. 356)
chord: F-A-D-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.8.8.-1.8.11. (pp. 452-467)
chord: F-A-D-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.8.1.-1.8.4. (pg. 412-438)
chord: F-A-D-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.8.5.-1.8.7. (pp. 440-451)
chord: F-A-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.8. (pg. 412)
chord: F-A-E, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.3.1.-5.3.4. (pp. 755-770)
chord: F-A-E. VOLUME 31. 5.3. (pg. 755)
chord: F-A-E. VOLUME 31. 5.3.8. (pg. 783)
chord: F-A-Eb for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.3.5.-4.3.7. (pp. 561-572)
chord: F-A-Eb, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.3.1.-4.3.4. (pg. 545-560)
chord: F-A-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.3. (pg. 545)
chord: F-A-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.3.8. (pg. 573)
chord: F-A-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.3.5.-6.3.7. (pp. 1011-1022)
chord: F-A-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.3.5.-5.3.7. (pp. 771-782)
chord: F-A-F. VOLUME 31. 6.3. (pg. 995)
chord: F-A-F. VOLUME 31. 6.3.8. (pg. 1023)
chord: F-Bbb-Db-F. VOLUME 32. 1.9. (pg. 468)
chord: F-Bb-C. VOLUME 31. 1.4. (pg. 125)
chord: F-Bb-C. VOLUME 31. 1.4.8. (pg. 153)
chord: F-Bb-D for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.4.5.-3.4.7.(pp. 411-422)
chord: F-Bb-D, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.4.1.-3.4.4. (pp. 395-410)
chord: F-Bb-D. VOLUME 31. 3.4. (pg. 395)
chord: F-Bb-D. VOLUME 31. 3.4.8. (pg. 423)
chord: F-Bb-Db for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 2.4.5.-2.4.7. (pp. 261-272)
chord: F-Bb-Db, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 2.4.1.-2.4.4. (pp. 245-260)
chord: F-Bb-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.4. (pg. 245)
chord: F-Bb-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.4.8. (pg. 273)
chord: F-Bb-Db-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.9.8.-1.9.11. (pp. 508-523)
chord: F-Bb-Db-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.10.8.-1.10.11. (pp. 564-579)
chord: F-Bb-Db-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.10.1.-1.10.4. (pp. 524-550)
chord: F-Bb-Db-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.9.1.-1.9.4. (pp. 468-494)
chord: F-Bb-Db-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.9.5.-1.9.7. (pp. 496-507)
chord: F-Bb-Db-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.10.5.-1.10.7. (pp. 552-563)
chord: F-Bb-Db-F. VOLUME 32. 1.10. (pg. 524)
chord: F-Bb-D-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.11.8.-1.11.11. (pp. 620-635)
chord: F-Bb-D-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.11.1.-1.11.4. (pp. 580-606)
chord: F-Bb-D-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.11.5.-1.11.7. (pp. 608-619)
chord: F-Bb-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.11. (pg. 580)
chord: F-Bb-E for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.4.5.-5.4.7. (pp. 801-812)
chord: F-Bb-E for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.4.5.-4.4.7. (pp. 591-602)
chord: F-Bb-E, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.4.1.-5.4.4. (pg. 785-800)
chord: F-Bb-E. VOLUME 31. 5.4. (pg. 785)
chord: F-Bb-E. VOLUME 31. 5.4.8. (pg. 813)
chord: F-Bb-Eb, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.4.1.-4.4.4. (pp. 575-590)
chord: F-Bb-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.4. (pg. 575)
chord: F-Bb-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.4.8. (pg. 603)
chord: F-Bb-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.4.5.-6.4.7. (pp. 1041-1052)
chord: F-Bb-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.4.1.-6.4.4. (pg. 1025-1040)
chord: F-Bb-F. VOLUME 31. 6.4. (pg. 1025)
chord: F-Bb-F. VOLUME 31. 6.4.8. (pg. 1053)
chord: F-B-D for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.5.5.-3.5.7. (pp. 441-452)
chord: F-B-D, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.5.1.-3.5.4. (pp. 425-440)
chord: F-B-D. VOLUME 31. 3.5. (pg. 425)
chord: F-B-D. VOLUME 31. 3.5.8. (pg. 453)
chord: F-B-D-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a chord with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.12.8.-1.12.11. (pp. 676-691)
chord: F-B-D-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.12.1.-1.12.4. (pp. 636-662)
chord: F-B-D-F, Double notes with the notes of the. VOLUME 32. 1.12.5.-1.12.7. (pp. 664-675)
chord: F-B-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.12. (pg. 636)
chord: F-B-E for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.5.5.-5.5.7. (pp. 831-842)
chord: F-B-E, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.5.1.-5.5.4. (pp. 815-830)
chord: F-B-E. VOLUME 31. 5.5. (pg. 815)
chord: F-B-E. VOLUME 31. 5.5.8. (pg. 843)
chord: F-B-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.5.5.-6.5.7. (pp. 1071-1082)
chord: F-B-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.5.1.-6.5.4. (pp. 1055-1070)
chord: F-B-F. VOLUME 31. 6.5. (pg. 1055)
chord: F-B-F. VOLUME 31. 6.5.8. (pg. 1083)
chord: F-C#-E for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.7.5.-5.7.7. (pp. 891-902)
chord: F-C#-E VOLUME 31. 5.7. (pg. 875)
chord: F-C#-E VOLUME 31. 5.7.8. (pg. 903)
chord: F-C#-E, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.7.1.-5.7.4. (pp. 875-890)
chord: F-Cb-Db for the independence of the fingers, Exercises alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 2.5.7.-2.5.7. (pg. 291-302)
chord: F-Cb-Db, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 2.5.1.-2.5.4. (pp. 275-290)
chord: F-Cb-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.5. (pg. 275)
chord: F-Cb-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.5.8. (pg. 303)
chord: F-Cb-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.5. (pg. 605)
chord: F-Cb-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.5.8. (pg. 633)
chord: F-C-D for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.6.5.-3.6.7. (pp. 471-482)
chord: F-C-D, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.6.1.-3.6.4. (pp. 455-470)
chord: F-C-D. VOLUME 31. 3.6. (pg. 455)
chord: F-C-D. VOLUME 31. 3.6.8. (pg. 483)
chord: F-C-E for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.6.5.-6.6.7. (pp. 1101-1112)
chord: F-C-E for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.6.5.-5.6.7. (pp. 861-872)
chord: F-C-E, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.6.1.-5.6.4. (pp. 845-860)
chord: F-C-E. VOLUME 31. 5.6. (pg. 845)
chord: F-C-E. VOLUME 31. 5.6.8. (pg. 873)
chord: F-C-Eb for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.6.5.-4.6.7. (pp. 651-662)
chord: F-C-Eb, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.6.1.-4.6.4. (pp. 635-650)
chord: F-C-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.6. (pg. 635)
chord: F-C-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.6.8. (pg. 663)
chord: F-C-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.6.1.-6.6.4. (pp. 1085-1100)
chord: F-C-F. VOLUME 31. 6.6. (pg. 1085)
chord: F-C-F. VOLUME 31. 6.6.8. (pg. 1113)
chord: F-Db-Eb for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.7.5.-4.7.7. (pp. 681-692)
chord: F-Db-Eb for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.8.5.-6.8.7. (pp. 1161-1172)
chord: F-Db-Eb for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.8.5.-5.8.7. (pp. 921-932)
chord: F-Db-Eb for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 1.4.5.-1.4.7. (pp. 141-152)
chord: F-Db-Eb, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 1.4.1.-1.4.4. (pp. 125-140)
chord: F-Db-Eb, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.7.1.-4.7.4. (pp. 665-680)
chord: F-Db-Eb, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.8.1.-5.8.4. (pp. 905-920)
chord: F-Db-Eb, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.8.1.-6.8.4. (pp. 1145-1160)
chord: F-Db-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.7. (pg. 665)
chord: F-Db-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.7.8. (pg. 693)
chord: F-Db-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.7.1.-6.7.4. (pp. 1115-1130)
chord: F-Db-F. VOLUME 31. 6.7. (pg. 1115)
chord: F-Db-F. VOLUME 31. 6.7.8. (pg. 1143)
chord: F-D-E. VOLUME 31. 5.8. (pg. 905)
chord: F-D-E. VOLUME 31. 5.8.8. (pg. 933)
chord: F-D-F. VOLUME 31. 6.8. (pg. 1145)
chord: F-D-F. VOLUME 31. 6.8.8. (pg. 1173)
chord: F-Eb-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.9.5.-6.9.7. (pp. 1191-1202)
chord: F-Eb-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.7.5.-6.7.7. (pp. 1131-1142)
chord: F-Eb-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.9.1.-6.9.4. (pp. 1175-1190)
chord: F-Eb-F. VOLUME 31. 6.9. (pg. 1175)
chord: F-Eb-F. VOLUME 31. 6.9.8. (pg. 1203)
chord: F-G-C for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 1.1.5.-1.1.7. (pp. 51-62)
chord: F-G-C, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 1.1.1.-1.1.4. (pp. 35-50)
chord: F-G-C. VOLUME 31. 1.1. (pg. 35)
chord: F-G-C. VOLUME 31. 1.1.8. (pg. 63)
chord: F-G-D for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.1.5.-3.1.7. (pp. 321-332)
chord: F-G-D for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 2.1.5.-2.1.7. (pp. 171-182)
chord: F-G-D, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 3.1.1.-3.1.4. (pp. 305-320)
chord: F-G-D. VOLUME 31. 3.1. (pg. 305)
chord: F-G-D. VOLUME 31. 3.1.8. (pg. 333)
chord: F-G-Db, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 2.1.1.-2.1.4. (pp. 155-170)
chord: F-G-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.1. (pg. 155)
chord: F-G-Db. VOLUME 31. 2.1.8. (pg. 183)
chord: F-G-E for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.1.5.-5.1.7. (pp. 711-722)
chord: F-G-E for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.1.5.-4.1.7. (pp. 501-512)
chord: F-G-E, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 5.1.1.-5.1.4. (pp. 695-710)
chord: F-G-E. VOLUME 31. 5.1. (pg. 695)
chord: F-G-E. VOLUME 31. 5.1.8. (pg. 723)
chord: F-G-Eb, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 4.1.1.-4.1.4. (pp. 485-500)
chord: F-G-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.1. (pg. 485)
chord: F-G-Eb. VOLUME 31. 4.1.8. (pg. 513)
chord: F-G-F for the independence of the fingers, Exercise alternating a single note and a double note with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.1.5.-6.1.7. (pp. 951-962)
chord: F-G-F, Arpeggios with the notes of the. VOLUME 31. 6.1.1.-6.1.4. (pp. 935-950)
chord: F-G-F. VOLUME 31. 6.1. (pg. 935)
chord: F-G-F. VOLUME 31. 6.1.8. (pg. 964)
chords in the ambit of the major 7th. VOLUME 31. 5. (pg. 695)
chords in the ambit of the mayor 6th. VOLUME 31. 3. (pg. 305)
chords in the ambit of the minor 6th or augmented 5th. VOLUME 31. 2. (pg. 155)
chords in the ambit of the minor 7th. VOLUME 31. 4. (pg. 485)
chords in the ambit of the perfect 5th. VOLUME 31. 1. (pg. 35)
chords in the ambit of the perfect octave. VOLUME 31. 6. (pg. 935)
chords with three notes in the ambit of the major 6th. VOLUME 31. 3. (pg. 305)
chords with three notes in the ambit of the major 7th. VOLUME 31. 5. (pg. 695)
chords with three notes in the ambit of the minor 6th. or augmented 5th. VOLUME 31. 2. (pg. 155)
chords with three notes in the ambit of the minor 7th. VOLUME 31. 4. (pg. 485)
chords with three notes in the ambit of the perfect 5th. VOLUME 31. 1. (pg. 35)
chords with three notes in the ambit of the perfect octave. VOLUME 31. 6. (pg. 935)
chords, Table of. VOLUME 02. (pg. 7).
chords. VOLUME 31.
chords. VOLUME 32.
chords. VOLUME 33.
chords. VOLUME 55.
Chromatic and diatonic exercices of two / three / four consecutive fourths in all the major keys preparatories for the study of the major scales in fourths. VOLUME 35. 0. (pg. 20)
Chromatic Bidigitology with added notes. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Bidigitology with sustained added fifth. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Bidigitology with sustained added fourth”. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Bidigitology with sustained added seventh. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Bidigitology with sustained added sixth. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Bidigitology with sustained added third. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Bidigitology without added notes. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Bidigitology. Chapter 14.1.2. VOLUME 67
chromatic consecutive notes, Whole tone scales based on the groups of four. Chapter 14.3.4. VOLUME 67
Chromatic exercices of two / three / four consecutive fourths preparatories for the study of the major scales in fourths. VOLUME 35. 0.2. (pg. 596)
Chromatic exercises of two / three / four consecutive 4th preparatory for the study of the major scales in 4th. VOLUME 35. 0.2. (pg. 596)
chromatic notes at various distances between both hands from eight tones to one tone, Whole tone scales based on the groups of two consecutive. Chapter 14.1.5. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes at various distances between both hands from eight tones to one tone, Whole tone scales based on the groups of three consecutive. Chapter 14.2.5. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes to various distances between both hands from eight tones to one tone, Whole tone scales based on groups of four consecutive. Chapter 14.3.5. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Augmented fourths (double. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Major seconds (double. Chapter 2. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Major sevenths (double. Chapter 11. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Major sixths (double. Chapter 9. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Major thirds (double. Chapter 4. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Minor seconds (double. Chapter 1. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Minor sevenths (double. Chapter 10. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Minor sixths (double. Chapter 8. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Minor thirds (double. Chapter 3. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Perfect fifths (double. Chapter 7. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Perfect fourths (double. Chapter 5. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes), Perfect octaves (double. Chapter 12. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes, Major scales based on the groups of the four consecutive. Chapter 14.3.3. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes, Major scales based on the groups of three consecutive. Chapter 14.2.3. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes, Major scales based on the groups of two consecutive. Chapter 14.1.3. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes, Whole tone scales based on the groups of three consecutive. Chapter 14.2.4. VOLUME 67
chromatic notes, Whole tone scales based on the groups of two consecutiv. Chapter 14.1.4. VOLUME 67
Chromatic scales from 2 to 13 notes in symmetric movement; basic fingering and secondary fingerings. VOLUME 38. 1. (pg. 5)
chromatic scales from 2 to 9 notes with the same keyboard topography, Basic interchangeable fingerings in fragments of. VOLUME 38. 2. (pg. 53)
Chromatic scales in double notes from the minor 2nd to the perfect 8ve. VOLUME 67
Chromatic scales to different distances between both hands. VOLUME 38. 4. (pg. 85)
Chromatic scales to octave distance between both hands; basic fingering and secondary fingerings, All 12. VOLUME 38. 3. (pg. 79)
Chromatic scales. VOLUME 38.
Chromatic Tetradigitology with added notes. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic tetradigitology with sustained added fourth. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Tetradigitology without added notes. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Tetradigitology. Chapter 14.3.2. VOLUME 67
Chromatic Tridigitology with added notes. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Tridigitology with sustained added fifth. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Tridigitology with sustained added fourth. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Tridigitology with sustained added third. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Tridigitology without added notes. Chapter VOLUME 67
Chromatic Tridigitology. Chapter 14.2.2. VOLUME 67
chromatically, Groups of consecutive notes. Chapter 14. Appendix 1. VOLUME 67
chromatically, Groups of four consecutive notes. Chapter 14.3. VOLUME 67
chromatically, Groups of three consecutive notes. Chapter 14.2. VOLUME 67
chromatically, Groups of two consecutive notes. Chapter 14.1. VOLUME 67
chromatics scales at different distances between both hands. VOLUME 38. 4. (pg. 85)
chromatics scales from 2 to 9 notes with the same topography of the keyboard, Interchangeable basic fingerings in fragments of. VOLUME 38. 2. (pg. 53)
Chromatology (chromatisms). VOLUME 38.
Connection of the groups of three and four consecutive fingers through the passage of the thumb. VOLUME 01. 1.3. (pg. 32)
consecutiv chromatic notes, Whole tone scales based on the groups of two. Chapter 14.1.4. VOLUME 67
consecutive chromatic notes at various distances between both hands from eight tones to one tone, Whole tone scales based on the groups of two. Chapter 14.1.5. VOLUME 67
consecutive chromatic notes at various distances between both hands from eight tones to one tone, Whole tone scales based on the groups of three. Chapter 14.2.5. VOLUME 67
consecutive chromatic notes to various distances between both hands from eight tones to one tone, Whole tone scales based on groups of four. Chapter 14.3.5. VOLUME 67
consecutive chromatic notes, Major scales based on the groups of two. Chapter 14.1.3. VOLUME 67
consecutive chromatic notes, Major scales based on the groups of three. Chapter 14.2.3. VOLUME 67
consecutive chromatic notes, Major scales based on the groups of the four. Chapter 14.3.3. VOLUME 67
consecutive chromatic notes, Whole tone scales based on the groups of three. Chapter 14.2.4. VOLUME 67
consecutive fingers by thumb under, Conecting the groups of three and four. VOLUME 01. 1.3. (pg. 32)
consecutive fingers in the scales, The gropus of. VOLUME 01. 1.1. (pg. 9)
consecutive fingers with held note, Two / three / four. VOLUME 66.
consecutive fingers, The groups of four. VOLUME 01. 1.1.2. (pg. 13)
consecutive fingers, The groups of three. VOLUME 01. 1.1.1. (pg. 9)
consecutive fingers: 1-2 and 4-5, Two. VOLUME 03.
consecutive fingers: 1-2 and 4-5, Two. VOLUME 66. 1.1. (pp. 7-30) / 2.1. (pp. 85-108)
consecutive fingers: 1-2-3 and 3-4-5, Three. VOLUME 04.
consecutive fingers: 1-2-3 and 3-4-5, Three. VOLUME 66. 1.2. (pp. 33-48) / 2.2. (pp.111-134)
consecutive fingers: 1-2-3-4 and 2-3-4-5, Four. VOLUME 18.
consecutive fingers: 1-2-3-4 and 2-3-4-5, Four. VOLUME 66. 1.3. (pp. 59-82) / 2.3. (pp. 137-160)
consecutive fourths in all the major keys preparatories for the study of the major scales in fourths, Diatonic and chromatic exercices of two / three / four. VOLUME 35. 0. (pg. 20)
consecutive fourths in all the major keys preparatories for the study of the major scales in fourths, Diatonic exercices of two / three / four. VOLUME 35. 0.1. (pg. 20)
consecutive fourths preparatories for the study of the major scales in fourths, Diatonic exercices of two / three / four. VOLUME 35. 0.2. (pg. 596)
consecutive notes chromatically, Groups of four. Chapter 14.3. VOLUME 67
consecutive notes chromatically, Groups of three. Chapter 14.2. VOLUME 67
consecutive notes chromatically, Groups of two. Chapter 14.1. VOLUME 67
consecutive notes chromatically, Groups of. Chapter 14. Appendix 1. VOLUME 67
consecutive notes, Whole tone scales based on the groups of four chromatic. Chapter 14.3.4. VOLUME 67
Contraries, Parallel Mixtures/. VOLUME 37.
contrasting nuances (dynamics), Overlap of melodies with. VOLUME 28.
contrasting nuances (dynamics), Relief by. VOLUME 28.
contrasting nuances (dynamics), Two voices in one hand with. VOLUME 28.
Contrasting or differentiating nuances (dynamics). VOLUME 28.
Cruzology (cross fingerings). VOLUME 16.
D flat in the right hand combined with the 11 keys in the left hand. 2.2. VOLUME 51. (pg. 17)
D flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 1.1.2. (pg. 19)
D flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 1.2.2. (pg. 91)
D flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 1.3.2. (pg. 163)
D flat in the right hand in 3th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 1.4.2. (pg. 235)
D flat in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 2.1.2. (pg. 307)
D flat in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 2.2.2. (pg. 379)
D flat in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 2.3.2. (pg. 451)
D flat in the right hand in 4th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 2.4.2. (pg. 523)
D flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 3.1.2. (pg. 595)
D flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 3.2.2. (pg. 667)
D flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 3.3.2. (pg. 739)
D flat in the right hand in 5th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 3.4.2. (pg. 811)
D flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 4.1.2. (pg. 883)
D flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 4.2.2. (pg. 955)
D flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 4.3.2. (pg. 1027)
D flat in the right hand in 6th combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 4.4.2. (pg. 1099)
D flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 3th. VOLUME 50. 5.1.2. (pg. 1171)
D flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 4th. VOLUME 50. 5.2.2. (pg. 1243)
D flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 5th. VOLUME 50. 5.3.2. (pg. 1315)
D flat in the right hand in octaves combined with the 12 keys in the left hand in 6th. VOLUME 50. 5.4.2. (pg. 1387)
D flat major, 5th in. VOLUME 36. 2. (pg. 29)
D in the right hand combined with the other eleven keys in the left hand. VOLUME 51. 2.3. (pg. 23)
D in the right hand in fifths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in thirds. VOLUME 50. 3.1.3. (pg. 601)
D in the right hand in fifths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fourths. VOLUME 50. 3.2.3. (pg. 673)
D in the right hand in fifths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in sixths. VOLUME 50. 3.3.3. (pg. 745)
D in the right hand in fifths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 3.4.3. (pg. 817)
D in the right hand in fourths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in thirds. VOLUME 50. 2.1.3. (pg. 313)
D in the right hand in fourths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fifths. VOLUME 50. 2.2.3. (pg. 385)
D in the right hand in fourths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in sixths. VOLUME 50. 2.3.3. (pg. 457)
D in the right hand in fourths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 2.4.3. (pg. 529)
D in the right hand in octaves combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in thirds. VOLUME 50. 5.1.3. (pg. 1177)
D in the right hand in octaves combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fourths. VOLUME 50. 5.2.3. (pg. 1249)
D in the right hand in octaves combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fifths. VOLUME 50. 5.3.3. (pg. 1321)
D in the right hand in octaves combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in sixths. VOLUME 50. 5.4.3. (pg. 1393)
D in the right hand in sixths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in thirds. VOLUME 50. 4.1.3. (pg. 889)
D in the right hand in sixths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fourths. VOLUME 50. 4.2.3. (pg. 961)
D in the right hand in sixths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fifths. VOLUME 50. 4.3.3. (pg. 1033)
D in the right hand in sixths combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 4.4.3. (pg. 1105)
D in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fourths. VOLUME 50. 1.1.3. (pg. 25)
D in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in fifths. VOLUME 50. 1.2.3. (pg. 97)
D in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in sixths. VOLUME 50. 1.3.3. (pg. 169)
D in the right hand in thirds combined with the twelve keys in the left hand in octaves. VOLUME 50. 1.4.3. (pg. 241)
D major, 5th in. VOLUME 36. 3. (pg. 53)
diatonic and chromatic exercises of two / three / four consecutive 4th in all the majors keys, For the study of the major scales in 4th preparatory. VOLUME 35. 0. (pg. 20)
Diatonic and chromatic exercises of two / three / four consecutive 4th in all the major keys preparatory for the study of the major scales in 4th. VOLUME 35. 0. (pg. 20)
diatonic exercises of two / three / four consecutive 4th in all the majors keys, For the study of the major scales in 4th preparatory. VOLUME 35. 0.1. (pg. 20)
Diatonic exercises of two / three / four consecutive 4th in all the major keys preparatory for the study of the major scales in 4th. VOLUME 35. 0.1. (pg. 20)
Diminished 5th / Minor Perfect / Major Perfect / Augmented 5th, Three notes arpeggios spanning a 5 and 6 white keys hand opening:. VOLUME 07. 2.1. (pp. 19-31)
Diminished 5th chord. VOLUME 02. A. (pg. 7)
Diminished 5th in all three positions, Arpeggios of. VOLUME 41.
Diminished 5th, chord of. VOLUME 02. A. (pg. 7)
Diminished triads. VOLUME 32. 2.1. (pg. 693)
distance between 2th and 4th fingers, Eight exercises to increase the. VOLUME 34. 0.2. (pg. 67)
distance between the fingers, 7th in all the types in root position to increase the. VOLUME 33.
distance between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Ebb-F to increase the. VOLUME 33. 1.1.1.-1.1.4. (pp. 19-45)
distance between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Eb-F to increase the. VOLUME 33. 1.2.1.-1.2.4- (pp. 127-153)
distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-C-Eb-F to open the. VOLUME 33. 1.3.1.-1.3.4. (pp. 235-261)
distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-C-E-F to open the. VOLUME 33. 1.4.1.-1.4.4. (pp. 343-369)
distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C-Eb-F to open the. VOLUME 33. 1.5.1.-1.5.4.(pp. 451-477)
distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C-E-F to open the. VOLUME 33. 1.6.1.-1.6.4. (pp. 559-585)
distances between the fingers, Arpeggios with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C#-E-F to open the. VOLUME 33. 1.7.1.-1.7.4.(pp. 667-693)
double and triple notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Ebb-F, Exercises alternating. VOLUME 33. 1.1.10.-1.1.19. (pp. 67-106)
double and triple notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Eb-F, Exercises alternating. VOLUME 33. 1.2.10.-1.2.19- (pp. 175-214)
double and triple notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-C-Eb-F, Exercises alternating. VOLUME 33. 1.3.10.-1.3.19. (pp. 283-322)
double and triple notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-C-E-F, Exercises alternating. VOLUME 33. 1.4.10.-1.4.19. (pp. 391-430)
double and triple notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C#-E-F, Exercises alternating. VOLUME 33. 1.7.10.-1.7.19. (pp. 715-754)
double and triple notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C-E-F, Exercises alternating. VOLUME 33. 1.6.10.-1.6.19. (pp. 607-646)
double and triple notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C-Eb-F, Exercises alternating. VOLUME 33. 1.5.10.-1.5.19. (pp. 499-538)
double and triple notes with the notes of the seventh chords, Exercices alternating. VOLUME 33.
double chromatic notes), Augmented fourths (. Chapter 6. VOLUME 67
double chromatic notes), Major seconds (. Chapter 2. VOLUME 67
double chromatic notes), Major sevenths (. Chapter 11. VOLUME 67
double chromatic notes), Major sixths (. Chapter 9. VOLUME 67
double chromatic notes), Major thirds (. Chapter 4. VOLUME 67
double chromatic notes), Minor seconds (. Chapter 1. VOLUME 67
double chromatic notes), Minor sevenths (. Chapter 10. VOLUME 67
double chromatic notes), Minor sixths (. Chapter 8. VOLUME 67
double chromatic notes), Minor thirds (. Chapter 3. VOLUME 67
double chromatic notes), Perfect fifths (. Chapter 7. VOLUME 67
double chromatic notes), Perfect fourths (. Chapter 5. VOLUME 67
double chromatic notes), Perfect octaves (. Chapter 12. VOLUME 67
Double notes forming mixtures. VOLUME 37.
Double notes forming mixtures. VOLUME 49.
double notes from the minor 2nd to the perfect 8ve, Chromatic scales in. VOLUME 67
double notes in each hand, Mixtures with the same/different types of. VOLUME 37.
double notes of different types with the whole tone scale, Bitonal combinations between both hands in. VOLUME 50.
double notes of the same type with the whole tone scale, Bitonal combinations between both hands in. VOLUME 49.
Double notes with chord notes: F-Ab-Cb-F. VOLUME 32. 1.1.5.-1.1.7. (pp. 48-59)
Double notes with chord notes: F-Ab-C-F. VOLUME 32. 1.2.5.-1.2.7. (pp. 104-115)
Double notes with chord notes: F-Ab-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.4.5-1.4.7. (pp. 216-227)
Double notes with chord notes: F-A-C#-F. VOLUME 32. 1.6.5.-1.6.7. (pp. 328-339)
Double notes with chord notes: F-A-C-F. VOLUME 32. 1.5.5.-1.5.7. (pp. 272-283)
Double notes with chord notes: F-A-Db-F. VOLUME 32. 1.7.5.-1.7.7. (pp. 384-395)
Double notes with chord notes: F-A-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.8.5.-1.8.7. (pp. 440-451)
Double notes with chord notes: F-Bb-Db-F. VOLUME 32. 1.10.5.-1.10.7. (pp. 552-563)
Double notes with chord notes: F-Bb-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.11.5.-1.11.7. (pp. 608-619)
Double notes with chord notes: F-B-D-F. VOLUME 32. 1.12.5.-1.12.7. (pp. 664-675)
double notes with seventh chord, Arpeggios in. VOLUME 33.
double notes with the four types of triads in their three positions; possible combinations between both hands, Arpeggios in. VOLUME 39.
double notes with the four types of triads in their three positions, Tremolos and two notes articulations in. VOLUME 39.
double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Ebb-F, Arpeggios in. VOLUME 33. 1.1.20.-1.1.23. (pp. 107-126)
double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-Cb-Eb-F, Arpeggios in. VOLUME 33. 1.2.20.-1.2.23 (pp.215-234)
double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-C-Eb-F, Arpeggios in. VOLUME 33. 1.3.20.-1.3.23. (pp. 323-342)
double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-Ab-C-E-F, Arpeggios in. VOLUME 33. 1.4.20.-1.4.23. (pp. 431-450)
double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C-Eb-F, Arpeggios in. VOLUME 33. 1.5.20.-1.5.23. (pp. 539-558)
double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A-C-E-F, Arpeggios in. VOLUME 33. 1.6.20.-1.6.23. (pp. 647-666)
double notes with the notes of the 7th chord: F-A--E-F, Arpeggios in. VOLUME 33. 1.7.20.-1.7.23. (pp. 755-774)
Double notes with the notes of the chord: F-Bbb-Db-F. VOLUME 32. 1.9.5.-1.9.7. (pp. 496-507)
double notes, Presentation of the 6th in. VOLUME 34. 0.3. (pg. 115)
double notes, Tremolos with. VOLUME 29. 2. (pg. 73)
double notes, Tremolos with. VOLUME 29. 3. (pg. 199)
double notes, Tremolos with. VOLUME 29. 4. (pg. 451)
Double notes. VOLUME 05.
Double notes. VOLUME 30.
Double notes. VOLUME 35.
Double notes. VOLUME 36.
Double notes. VOLUME 44.
Double notes. VOLUME 45.
Double notes. VOLUME 46.
Double notes. VOLUME 47.
Double notes. VOLUME 48.
Double notes. VOLUME 49.
Double notes. VOLUME 50.
Double notes. VOLUME 54.
Double notes. VOLUME 55.
Double notes. VOLUME 60.
Double notes. VOLUME 61.
Double notes. VOLUME 62.
Double notes. VOLUME 63.
Double notes. VOLUME 64.
Double notes: 6th. VOLUME 34.
Double notes: fifths. VOLUME 36.
Double notes: fourths. VOLUME 35.
Double notes: octaves. VOLUME 55.
Double notes: sixths. VOLUME 34.
doubles: fifths, Notes. VOLUME 46.
doubles: fifths, Notes. VOLUME 62.
doubles: fourths, Notes. VOLUME 45.
doubles: fourths, Notes. VOLUME 61.
doubles: mixtures, Notes. VOLUME 49.
doubles: mixtures, Notes. VOLUME 50.
doubles: octaves, Notes. VOLUME 48.
doubles: octaves, Notes. VOLUME 64.
doubles: second-octaves, Notes. VOLUME 05.
doubles: sixths, Notes. VOLUME 34.
doubles: sixths, Notes. VOLUME 47.
doubles: sixths, Notes. VOLUME 63.
doubles: thirds, Notes. VOLUME 44.
doubles: thirds, Notes. VOLUME 60.